Special Educational Needs

SENDCO Miss C Sykes

Email: senco@ferndale.sandwell.sch.uk

Phone: 0121 357 3326

Ferndale and Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

The school complies with the SEND Code of Practice (2015), in which the Department for Education outlines the responsibilities of the Local Education Authority and the school for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). The school fully meets the expectation of the Governors regarding SEND and continues to be a Local Authority funded Focus Provision School for children on the Autistic Spectrum or with Complex Communication Needs.


Bespoke provision and support is in place to meet the needs of individual children – and ensure all children make progress – their progress is also closely monitored. Parent Partnership and pupil voice is vital – parents and pupils are involved in regular discussions regarding the provision and support – so together we foster a positive attitude within the classroom, to enable all our pupils to succeed.

Help and advice is available from the designated teacher for Special Needs (SENDCO)/Inclusion Manager and also the Sandwell Advisory and Support Service.

The school has a wide range of resources available. These resources enable individual children with differing Special Educational Needs and Disabilities to be supported within the mainstream school environment.

If you wish to comment or compliment, or raise any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the school directly.

Click here to view information about children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in Sandwell.

Ferndale SEND policies

Local Offer

SEND Information Report

SEND and Inclusion Policy

Our Focus Provision

Managment of Children with medical needs in school

Accessibility Policy

Administration of Medicines Policy

Single Equality Policy