Anti-Bullying at Ferndale

Who’s Who?

Mr Sansom is the senior leader responsible for anti-bullying, he ensures the policy is followed, and that as a school we are minimising the risk of bullying and discriminatory behaviour.

Mrs Virk is the governor who oversees behaviour, including anti-bullying, she meets with Mrs Rought on a regular basis to discuss how we are tackling bullying in school, as well as speak to pupils about how they feel about bullying.

Our Values:

Our values are honesty, respect, teamwork and equality. When we talk to the children about how we treat others in school, we have these values at the core.

We are a school that is proud of our equality and diversity, we celebrate difference and how we are all unique, we do not use difference as a reason to be unkind to someone. We talk to the children about being ‘defenders’, who report bullying and don’t ignore it.


What is bullying?

Bullying hurts! Sometimes physically, sometimes emotionally.

Bullying impacts on a person’s emotional and physical well-being.

Bullying can make someone not want to come to school to learn.

Bullying is not tolerated at Ferndale!

The definition we use is STOP – Several Times on Purpose.

The definition used by the Anti-bullying Alliance is – Bullying is the repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. It can happen face to face or online.


Bullying can happen in a variety of ways:

Physical – hitting, Kicking, taking / damaging belongings.


Emotional – acting in a way to cause emotional upset e.g. hiding books, threatening gestures, spreading rumours, excluding someone from groups.


Verbal – name – calling, insults, racist remarks, remarks about disabilities / differences.


Indirect – spreading rumours / stories about someone, excluding children from social groups, gesturing/body language.


Online – all areas of internet e.g. email , internet chat room misuse , mobile threats – texts, phone calls, other technology e.g. camera / video.


Who can help?


Staff are trained in how to spot signs and symptoms of bullying and how to manage an allegation of bullying. We have lots of ways that the children can share any worries with the staff , so If you are worried about how someone is making you feel in school, or you are a parent worried about your own child, here are some ways to let us know.


Parents worried about their child Children worried about themselves or a friend
Don’t ignore it or hope it will go away


Reassure your child that school can help to solve the problem .


Speak to your child’s teacher


Speak to one of the senior leadership team on the gates


Call us


Email us

Don’t ignore it or keep it to yourself


Talk to your parents


Talk to a friend


Talk to a trusted adult in school


Use the class worry box


Use the worries and concerns button on our website.


What will happen if we let school know there is a problem?


We will always help.

We will listen and try to work out what has been happening.

We will speak to everyone involved because bullying can involved lots of people.

We will make a plan to stop the bullying or behaviour that is upsetting someone

We will speak to the parents of those involved.

We will check on the victim to make sure it has stopped.

We will offer support to everyone involved, including the person who is bullying, as they may need support as well.

We may have to speak to other professionals.