Behaviour at Ferndale
At Ferndale Primary School, our approach to managing behaviour is one that is centred on the importance of positive relationships and nurturing behaviours linked to our core values of Respect, Teamwork, Equality and Honesty. Our staff understand their role in promoting positive behaviour and act as role models for all of the pupils, many are also skilled in managing more challenging behaviours.
Our staff are trained in emotion coaching and try to see past the presenting behaviour in order to find out what the child is trying to communicate, we have an in school mentor who can support children who are struggling to cope in school and when needed, we also access external support from expertise from the Local Authority.
We believe the focus should be on the positive, we try to separate the behaviour from the child and ensure they understand they are cared for no matter what. Relationships matter to us which is why our approach goes beyond simply maintaining an orderly and compliant school.
Rewarding Positive Behaviour
We work hard to reward the good behaviour demonstrated by our children. We know that it matters to the children who are well behaved all of the time that they are recognised and rewarded. Dojo points are used throughout school, as are reward stickers and visits to members of the SLT (senior leadership team). Pupils who demonstrate our school values and Learning 9 are celebrated in our weekly merit assembly.
By rewarding the good behaviour we hope to inspire children to continue their positive attitude to school. Children who receive no cards each week will be allowed to take part in a short extra playtime at the end of the week.
Children who receive only one yellow card or less in a half term will have a ‘well done’ text sent to their parents and will receive a short reward session. Children who receive only one yellow card or less in a term are rewarded with a larger ‘in school’ treat eg DVD, disco.
Sanctions for Undesirable Behaviour
We know that sometimes things go wrong and children can sometimes demonstrate behaviour which is not acceptable. We have a consistent approach to sanctions, by using a card system, where children receive a yellow, orange or red card depending on the behaviour demonstrated. We have worked on a list of behaviours and an agreed sanction, this will ensure that there is a consistent approach across the school. (see document below)
Cards are given out by all members of staff; class teachers, learning support staff, lunchtime supervisors etc. Cards are recorded on a class chart and have the following sanctions.
10 Yellow cards Reflection
2 Orange cards Reflection
1 Red card Reflection
What is Reflection?
Reflection lasts for one day and takes place during breaktimes only. The child will miss their outdoor playtimes or time with their peers, including lunchtime. The purpose of reflection is not to punish, but to discuss their behaviour with an adult and to work though how they could have made better choices and to think about how their choices have potentially impacted on someone else and how they can make amends.
Staff will let you know if your child is in Reflection, either face to face or via a telephone call. Staff will be happy to discuss the behaviour on a one to one basis if requested.
A meeting with parents may be requested by an Assistant Headteacher if a child is in reflection a number of times or if there are further concerns regarding their behaviour. We may also contact external support if a child requires further support managing their behaviour.
Starting Again
We celebrate fresh starts with the children. Each week is an opportunity to earn extra play. Each half term is a fresh start to earn the half termly prize and all yellow and orange cards are cleared. Each term is a fresh start for the termly prize, so a yellow card in Autumn does not mean they cannot gain the reward in Spring. We also allow one yellow card per half term, so that the children understand that we all make small mistakes. However, if a child receives one yellow card in each half term, they will not be eligible for the termly prize.
Low Level Disruption
Low level disruption can impact on a child’s learning and that of others in the class, so we do ensure it is taken seriously. A yellow card is given after a warning and an opportunity to change the negative behaviour being shown. By receiving a yellow card in a week a child will not receive the extra playtime treat, although they can achieve this the following week. These cards also accumulate over half a term and can result in reflection.
Children with Specific Needs
Some of our children do have specific needs and may require additional support with their learning or behaviour, this can be in the form of additional adult support or through a specific education or behaviour plan. If it is felt that our whole school approach to behaviour management will not be meaningful to a particular child, then alternative strategies will be used as appropriate.
Named Staff
If you wish to discuss your child’s behaviour the class teacher should be the first port of call. If you wish to speak to a member of the senior management team, the phase leaders named below will be happy to speak to you:
EYFS to Year 2 : Mrs N. Poole
Year 3 and Year 4 : Mrs S. Robathan
Year 5 and Year 6: Mr B. Finlan
Should you have further concerns please contact:
Deputy Head Teacher: Mr B. Sansom
Head Teacher: Mrs R. Gillett