What is Sports Premium?
Beginning in 2013/2014, The Government has provided funding to schools to improve the quality and breadth of physical education and sports provision. Schools are free to determine how best to use this funding including increasing participation in physical education and sport so that all pupils develop healthy lifestyles and reach the performance levels they are capable of.
Purpose of the Funding
Schools have to spend the sport funding on improving the quality and breadth of provision of PE and sport, but they will have the freedom to choose how they do this. Possible uses for the funding include:
- employing specialist physical education teachers or qualified coaches to work alongside teachers when teaching PE;
- employing a local coach to provide weekly after-school sport on the school site;
- new or additional Change4Life sport clubs;
- paying for transport, pool hire and instruction to provide additional swimming lessons;
- paying for cover staff to release teachers for professional development opportunities in PE/sport;
- running sport competitions or increasing participation in the school games;
- buying quality assured professional development modules or materials for PE/sport.
What have we achieved so far?
Over a number of years, we have improved our sporting facilities at Ferndale Primary School, including the development of:
- a Mini Pitch built on school site to provide opportunities for pupils to play sports in all weather conditions;
- a running track to enable pupils to complete the daily mile in all weather conditions.
In addition to:
- achieving Sports Games Bronze;
- achieving the AFPE quality mark (Distinction) & Healthy Schools award (Gold);
- supporting our teachers in the delivery of PE, improving their skills and expertise, this has included Aspire, The Albion Foundation and in-house experts;
- providing a wide range of after school sports clubs for all children from Reception to year 6, which change half termly;
- providing additional lunchtime sports clubs, which change half termly;
- providing catch-up swimming sessions for pupils in years 5 and 6 at West Bromwich Leisure Centre;
- purchasing additional equipment to support the quality PE curriculum;
- enhancing daily activity – Cyber Coach, the Daily Mile, Skip 2B Fit;
- increasing the competitions we enter, both intra and inter school;
- coaching our very successful boys’ and girls’ football teams;
- offering specialist and inclusive sports coaching from The Albion Foundation for pupils with SEND.
What’s next in 2023/24?
- To further develop the role of the PE lead though networks and local expertise.
- To develop the teaching of PE across the school so that 80% is good or above, through 1:1 bespoke coaching from The Albion Foundation.
- To further develop the assessment of PE and evidence collection.
- To improve the equipment available for quality PE lessons.
- To continue to develop the range and quality of school clubs available, including dance and gymnastics in response to pupil voice.
- To achieve a Silver Schools Games award.
- To further develop the lunchtime sports club offer, ensuring all children have an opportunity to take part.
- All pupils in years 3-6 to take part in one intra school tournament per year group to offer all pupils the opportunity to competitively compete in sports.
- Continue the opportunity to take part in both lunch time and after school sports clubs which are led by qualified sports coaches.
- Continue to be given the opportunities to take part in inter school competitions and competitive sport with local schools.
- Continue to develop swimming skills with catch-up swimming lessons for years 5 and 6 continuing to take part at West Bromwich Leisure Centre.