Hi guys, thank you for bearing with me whilst we had just a short break and got some more material for us to have a bash at!
I’ve got some fab new songs for us to try, so choir will start again after the half term break, on Wednesday 25th February.
See you then!
Here you will find information about our school council.
Some children in Y1 have been playing games to help them learn high frequency words with Mrs. Kirk. She says they’re enjoying playing the games!
Children in Y1 have been looking at toys from the past. We have made thaumotropes and spinning tops.We have played leap frog, hopscotch and tiddly winks. We will be making more toys in the next few weeks!
Year 6 had a great time dressing up as Victorians. We learnt all about the British Empire in the 1800’s, found out some horrible facts about diseases and surgery at the time and about some of the explorers that found new land.
Hello to all!
We just wanted to say thank you so much for all of your support for our themed week and especially our dress up day. The children looked amazing, we have some lovely photos of the two classes and some of the work they produced this week. We will add them asap.
We finished our themed week with a visit to the theatre which was enjoyed by all. The children interacted so well with the performers and we all had a wonderful time.
Thank you again for helping to make all of this possible, we couldn’t do it without you!
The year 3 team.
Well done to all the children that came along to sing at the LG Arena, you represented the school and did us proud! I think you will all agree it was a very special experience and we all loved seeing the acts perform on stage! I hope the parents that came along had as much fun as we did! A big thank you to all the parents for supporting this event!