Governor Roles
Mr R Evans (Vice Chair)
Mr C Pritchard (Vice Chair)
Mr P Graham
Mr M Rose
Mrs G Hunjan
Mrs J Lawton
Mr J Ellis
Mrs J Mawby
Mrs R Gillett
Mr B Sansom
Ms D Lynch
Mrs C Whyte
Local Authority
Mr S Sparkes (Chair of Governors)
Governor committees
Quality Of Education
Mr S Sparkes
Mr C Pritchard
Mrs R Gillett
Mr M Rose
Mr R Evans
Mrs G Hunjan
Mr B Sansom
Ms D Lynch
Mr P Graham
Mrs J Lawton
Mr J Ellis
Mrs C Whyte
Finance and Wellbeing
Mr S Sparkes
Mr R Evans
Mrs R Gillett
Mrs P Grant
Mr C Pritchard
Mr M Rose
Mr B Sansom
Particulars are correct at the date of publication. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the correctness of all items, it cannot be guaranteed that there will not be changes affecting some arrangements.
Below you can find all the relevant documents regarding governors:
Ferndale GB attendance matrix 2023/2024
SIPS Register of Interests matrix Ferndale Primary (maintained) 2023 2024 APR 2024