At Ferndale, all children, including Nursery, wear our school uniform which consists of the following items:
- grey trousers/ skirt/ pinafore
- white/ burgundy polo t-shirts (logo optional)
- burgundy jumper/ cardigan (logo optional)
- black, sensible footwear
During warmer weather grey shorts/ summer dresses can be worn.
All children from Year 1 to Year 6 require a P.E kit, outlined below, which is worn to school on their allocated P.E day:
- plain white t-shirt
- black jogging bottoms/ leggings/ shorts
- suitable footwear (trainers, plimsolls)
We do not directly sell school uniform. Uniform without logos can be purchased from most retailers including the major supermarkets. There is no expectation for children to have the school logo on tops/ jumpers/ cardigans. If desired, these and additional items can be purchased from the retailers below:
Uniforms Plus
935 Walsall Rd, Birmingham B42 1TN
0121 357 8285
My Clothing
Please ensure that all items of school uniform are clearly labelled with your child’s name so that they can be returned promptly.
Throughout the year, we gratefully accept any donations of school uniform in good condition. We hold events where pre-worn items can be offered at low costs.
The Halo Code:
(click the image below to see ‘The Halo Code‘)