Reception children have settled in and are coping well with their longer day. They are working really hard with all the teachers and are trying their best in all areas especially Maths, English and Phonics.








The children are becoming more independent at dinner time choosing their own food and are using cutlery with increasing confidence.








During this half term reception classes have had fun playing in the jungle, vets and fruit and vegetable shop.

The children have learnt lots of new things from these areas.

Ask your child:

  • To sort items into fruit and vegetables
  • To talk about the inside of a fruit
  • To talk about where fruit and vegetables grow.
  • To name animals that can be found in the jungle
  • To sort animals into groups, farm or jungle?
  • To talk about about animals we can have as pets
  • To talk about how to care for a pet and what we do if your pet is poorly.








During Disney time they have been learning about themselves by painting self portraits and thinking about correct skin, eyes and hair colours.

We are encouraging the children to become more independent by getting changed for PE and putting their own coats and wellies on.