29th May Year One trip to Botanical Gardens . We had a fabulous time. We found out about how bees help plants to make seeds, we saw some amazing plants. Lots of them had leaves that were bigger than we were. There were enormous fish and some parrots that shouted Hello when we talked to them. We saw massive prickly cacti and even saw lemons and bananas growing in the glass houses. We even had time to play on the playground!DSCN0783 DSCN0784 DSCN0813 DSCN0814 DSCN0829 DSCN0838 DSCN0846 DSCN0857 DSCN0858 P1130733 P1130736 P1130737 P1130739 P1130740 P1130745 P1130754 image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image imageP1130755 P1130757 P1130758 P1130759 P1130760

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