Year three Egyptian Day
Wow. What a lovely day we all had!
Thank you all so much for your continued support and allowing your children to participate in such a fantastic day.
The children had previously created a scarab beetle amulet to decorate, to link with our Art topic – Sculptures. They painted the scarabs and different pieces of pasta and threaded them onto string. The children had lots of fun creating their piece of their Egyptian jewellery. Let’s have a look at some of our designs!
The children began creating traditional Egyptian collars from card. They used art straws and pasta pieces to make their collars 3D. After designing them and gluing all of the little pieces down, the children later painted them. Here are some photos of what we created.
We created headbands and designed death masks as well as coloured maps f Egypt if we had time.
The children looked amazing on Egyptian day and we had lots of positive comments from staff, pupils and our parents. They had a super time and clearly enjoyed their special day.
We would once again, like to say a big thank you to all of our year three parents/carers for all of the support you have given us throughout the year. We hope you enjoy looking at the photos of our themed day.
Look out for our next blog – Conkers!