29th May Year One trip to Botanical Gardens . We had a fabulous time. We found out about how bees help plants to make seeds, we saw some amazing plants. Lots of them had leaves that were bigger than we were. There were enormous fish and some parrots that shouted Hello when we talked to them. We saw massive prickly cacti and even saw lemons and bananas growing in the glass houses. We even had time to play on the playground!
Year 2 have begun their garden project. The class were very busy digging up the weeds from last year and getting the tubs ready for the new seeds.
The children have studied new life in science, this project will help them understand the lifecycle of a plant and give them very useful life skills, as well as developing team work.
The children are going to help water and look after the seeds they have planted and hopefully in the summer enjoy the radishes, strawberries, peas, onions and many more when they have grown.
Watch this space for more developments!!!!!!
Supporting Your Child in Year 2 new 2015
Thank you to all the year 2 parent’s for their comments during the latest parent’s evening. After some observations we have put together this as a resource for you to support your child with their writing and reading.
As you may be aware during the next half term the children in year 2 will be doing the government SAT testing. Please can we reassure parents that these tests are handled in such a way that the children are not put under any pressure. The children already do weekly assessments and we use the SATs only to support our professional judgements.
If you feel that you need to discuss this further then please come and see a member of the year 2 team.
I hope you find this useful.
Well done to all of 2R, we successfully managed to cram into one lesson cooking, ICT, team work skills, literacy and numeracy!
The class had great fun making their Easter nests and even more fun eating them!
The children recorded their methods by using the Learn Pads.
During our DT topic we have been looking at the effects that heat has on bread.
In small groups we cooked some white bread. We described the white bread before each piece was toasted and predicted the changes that would happen.
After we observed the bread we spread yummy butter on and shared the delicious, hot toast in our small groups.
Mrs O’Connor thinks there is far too much eating going on in our classroom this half term, it’s a good job its a healthy eating topic! We are having so much fun tasting all of the wonderful things which can be used to make healthy, tasty sandwiches. Mrs O’Connor’s personal favourite was the spread tasting, we pulled lots of unusual faces for the camera, she found our reactions very amusing. 🙂
We hope you enjoy the pictures of our toast tasting. We have also included some photographs from our other tasting sessions. Both classes have really enjoyed DT this term.
The year 3 team.
In year one, we had a special assembly about the eclipse and we talked about how to stay safe.
when we went back to our classrooms, we observed the eclipse by piercing a piece of paper and allowing the sun to shine on a piece of paper.
The whole school enjoyed our ‘world Book Day’. The day began with an assembly where we all sang a song related to this special day. Lots of book Characters enjoyed work related to various books.
Staff have displayed books they are reading where children can comment or ask questions.