All Posts By

Grant Massey

Year 2 search for Robin Hood!

By | Uncategorised, Year 2 | No Comments

Year two have been very busy in their return to school! On Wednesday the children scambled through Boggy Woods in search for Robin Hood. The children took all the photos themselves and this then was used to inspire their writing later on in the week. The children have learnt some key facts about the character and completed some amazing art work, this can be seen in the lower building corridor. Well done children!

shadow trees

shadow trees


Little Red Riding Hood

By | Uncategorised, Year 1 | No Comments

Children’s in Mr. Ray’s literacy group have been using the tablets to make Little Red Riding Hood comics! We had to use the camera to take photos of different parts of the story – this was hard, lots of our pictures were very blurred! We then wrote captions and begun to add some speech bubbles.

Have a look at some below…


Thanks Edgmond

By | Uncategorised, Year 2 | No Comments

We hope your children all had a fab time at Edgmond Hall and made memories that will stay with them for a long time.

The staff thoroughly enjoyed spending time with your children (maybe excluded the first restless night!) and were all impressed with how independent children were.

We thought it would be lovely if children left a comment on this post, thanking The Edgmond staff, writing about their favourite part of the experience. This will then be shared with the centre.

Once all the washing and bathing is complete, we hope you all have a great Christmas! See you all in the new year.

Thursday morning

By | Uncategorised, Year 2 | No Comments

We have had a fun filled morning feeding the pigs, rabbits, guinea pigs, chickens and goats.

We then made a nature trail and Christmas crafts using natural materials. Just had lunch and getting ready for this afternoons activities.

We think we may have a special visitor later on (no…it’s not Mrs. While, she arrived earlier).

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